Work permit

Tres personas en una oficina colaborativa, revisando documentos de permiso de trabajo. Una persona en primer plano sostiene una carpeta.

Work permit

If you are in the process of applying for asylum, you have the temporary protected status (TPS), you entered the country under the program humanitarian parole, you have arrived with an appointment managed through CBP ONE, or you are waiting for the resolution of an immigration benefit that allows you to be eligible, we are here to assist you.

We specialize in the management and processing of application for employment authorization, ensuring that it is processed efficiently and in a timely manner.

Our goal is to facilitate your access to the labour market, providing the necessary support and guidance so that you can advance on your path towards a more stable and secure life.
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Important note: In QM Multiservices, we are not attorneys and do not offer legal advice. Our goal is to provide you with support in preparing immigration documents and other administrative services, always ensuring that your forms are complete and correctly submitted. For legal advice, we recommend that you consult with an immigration attorney.