TPS (Temporary Protected Status)

Dos personas sentadas en una mesa. Una de las personas está sosteniendo un bolígrafo y parece estar señalando o escribiendo en un documento que está sobre la mesa. La otra persona tiene las manos entrelazadas y está observando el documento. El documento parece ser un formulario o un contrato, ya que tiene varias líneas y cuadros para llenar. La imagen sugiere una situación de revisión o firma de documentos, lo cual es común en contextos laborales, legales o administrativos.

TPS (Temporary Protected Status)

If you qualify for this valuable benefit, it is essential that you do not miss the opportunity to regularize your legal status in the United States. In QM Multiservices, we understand how crucial this process is for you and your future. That is why we are committed to providing you with the necessary support to accurately and effectively complete the form. I-821 (TPS – Temporary Protected Status)
Our team of experts is here to ensure that every detail of your application meets the requirements set by the relevant authorities, minimising any risk of errors that may delay or complicate your process.
With our assistance, we are with you every step of the way, ensuring that you feel safe and well informed throughout the entire process.
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Important note: In QM Multiservices, we are not attorneys and do not offer legal advice. Our goal is to provide you with support in preparing immigration documents and other administrative services, always ensuring that your forms are complete and correctly submitted. For legal advice, we recommend that you consult with an immigration attorney.